UH linear rail
UH series direct line guides, four columns of single arc tooth type contact direct line guides, at the same time integrating the optimized structure of the heavy weight load charge precision direct line guide, more than other direct line guides Upgrade the burden and sexual ability; With four directions and other load features, as well as the function of self-motivated adjustment, can absorb the misalignment of the assembly surface and obtain high accuracy. The concepts of high speed, Gaofuhe, high-precision and high-precision have become the future development of industrial products around the world. The USK four-column overweight burden direct line guide is the product based on this concept.
商品特点:齿条种类不仅于直齿齿条、斜齿齿条、圆棒齿条、导轨齿条(V型),更可以提供客制化的规格,同时也提供国际通用规格,包含德规DIN的规范,日规JIS规范,和ISO规范等。 usk齿条可以使用多样材质包含S50C中碳钢、SCM绿十字钢、SCM440红十字钢 、SUS不锈钢,和塑胶材料等;规格从模数M0.5到M12,长度有500mm、1000mm和2000mm等,也可以制作CP(周节)和DP(径节)规格的齿条。 针对不同齿条精密等级要求,原亿昌提供极度精密的齿研齿条DIN 5、高精密DIN6、中高端DIN7,经济型DIN8精铣齿条,以及耐磨耗DIN 10高周波齿条皆有。 |